JHPTS 24-Hour Course

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Sep/23 - Sep/25, 2022
Can-AM SAR Building, Eureka, MT
Course Documents
Course Description

Registration: Students must pre-register by ___09-16-2022_____ for this course with a $100 deposit.  If you have any questions regarding the class or class location please contact ______ __Colby Cash______ at (406) 871-2166 or by email at __canamcash@yahoo.com_____. Send your deposit to:  ___Can-Am SAR______ - c/o ____Colby Cash _______ - ____PO Box 161 Eureka, Mt 59917_________.  Pre-registered students failing to attend this course without a reasonable excuse will be assessed the $100.00 service fee.

Lodging will be any 3 of the local motels or camper and tent camping at SAR building, bathrooms and showers available. The 3 local motels are, Kasanka Motels, Silverado Motel, and Riverstone Lodge. Motel Lodging will need to be paid by student.  Meals and snacks are provided from _Breakfest 09-23__ through __Lunch 09-25